Tuesday, June 5, 2012

sorry for myself

dear stomach,
sorry for the butterflies. they will come whenever i feel happy, whenever i'm nervous for doing something. sesungguhnya aku tak sengaja. they came uninvited. also sorry for makan terlalu banyak. burger 2 bijik every night plus nasi goreng sepinggan penuh. please jangan merajuk. jangan stop buat keje kau. thanks sebab jadi perut yang rajin. pagi-pagi kau dah buang siap ape yang kau tak nak =)

dear fingers,
sorry for the hard hit i gave u whenever i'm angry. sorry for using u for many things. for typing, assignment last minit, taip message, taip kat blog, yang paling penting untuk korek hidung and korek telinga.hihi. i can't imagine what my life could be without 10 of u. don't hurt yourself k. nanti kalo korang luka susah aku nak makan..pedih. susah aku nak korek hidung. nanti hidung aku tersumbat.

dear feet,
thanks for being patience with me. i've used u for many purposes. walk non-stop, masuk hutan keluar hutan, tendang pintu and whatsoever whenever aku marah. sori....

dear brain,
sorry for the problem i gave u. mathematics problem was the hardest i think. plus annoying problem regarding life.

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