Wednesday, December 28, 2011

lori sampah dan pekerjanya

tadi aku turun jap nak anta buku kat kawan..kebetulan ada lori sampah time tu. bau dia bolah tahan la kannnnn...tapi aku tak sampai hati nak tutup hidung kat depan diorang. then dua orang akak lalu, dan-dan je dia tutup hidung kat depan pakcik-pakcik tu. 
weh, takde common sense!
jangan la tunjuk sangat

memang la bau dia kaw, tapi tahan nafas sendiri dah r
cuba bayangkan bapak korang keje camtu
then korang lalu korang tutup hidung camtu
tak pun korang nampak ada orang buat camtu
sedih kannn
try to put yourself in others shoe
bayangkan kalau pekerja-pekerja ni mogok
bertimbun lah sampah kat depan rumah
nak harap kita sendiri yang akan angkut sampah tu memang tak la kannnn
so, hormat la diorang. diorang sanggup wat keje camtu untuk cari sesuap nasi untuk anak dan isteri kat umah

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

review your blog from Kiz..luv it!

from kiz

baru balik dr pos barang dagangan..phewww!
first thing yg aku buat bukak fb and blog
Kiz ajak join benda ni
pikir byk kali..dari duduk aku baring, then duduk balik. ok yg ni tipu
aku tak pikir pon, terus je nak join
well, tak salah cuba nasib kannn
ni lah masenye kannnnn ^__^
blogger yang baru merangkak cam aku perlukan benda yang sebegini...yeeehaaaa!!!
for those yang berminat nak join silalah

to kiz:
thanks for the invitation..please guide me to be a superb blogger..hehe.

Monday, December 26, 2011

we were not born to impress others

tak tau lah nak start ayat camne...dari sekolah dulu lagi aku bengap nak buat pendahuluan karangan. tapi skarang aku nak tibai je. takde markah untuk format kan?? ok, we were not born to impress others!

ape yang aku nak cakap, tak yah la kita nak buat something tu kita terlalu pikir sangat ape yang orang akan cakap. LAME ok! kat sini bukan aku maksudkan buat benda yang salah tau..lagi sekali, bukan buat benda yang salah! yang aku maksudkan kat sini ialah benda yang contra dengan benda yang salah tu..ape benda yang salah?? pikir sendiri...

ape usha-usha??

terlampau pikir ape yang orang ckp sal kita ni susah gak, nak senang cakap cam takde self-confidence r..nak pakai baju ni "eh, tak berani la..nanti orang cakap pelik"..nak buat benda ni "takutlah, nanti orang tak nak kawan ngan aku"..nak pegi somewhere "takde orang penah pegi kat tempat tu, nanti orang cakap ape lak"..hey hey hey! wake up! DON'T LET OTHERS PUT YOU DOWN. JUST LIVE YOUR LIFE FREELY. kau dilahirkan untuk jadi kau, untuk tentukan jalan hidup kau sendiri. buatlah sesuka hati kau selagi tak against hukum agama, undang-undang negara. biar je ape yang orang lain nak cakap ngan diri kita, lagi best kalau boleh cakap kat orang yang suka condemn kita tu camni "don't judge me unless you have lived my life, u seen through my eyes, you've gone through what i've experienced..u loser, don't expect me to be such a loser like you!" phewww,,,puas beb! (sambil angkat kening sebelah).

Saturday, December 24, 2011

orang kaya & orang miskin

aku kaya... *tuiiiiii*

tak perlu kita pegi jauh. tgk kat malaysia ni sudah...kat KL especially. yang kaya, kaya sangat2, yang miskin, miskin sangat2. yang kaya duduk umah besar-besar, besar gila ok! aku rasa dalam satu hari tu tak semua sudut rumah dia sempat pegi. orang gaji tak cukup sorang. tukang sapu lain, tukang masak lain, tukang kebun lain, driver lain. yang lagi best, sorang bibik untuk sorang anak. kereta lak boleh buat pameran. macam-macam ada. tapi pelik, tak pernah cukup ngan apa yang ada. still nak kerja dari awal pagi sampai lewat malam. tinggal anak-anak, tak cukup kasih sayang..asyik duk kejar duit. tanggungjawab anak-anak serah kat orang gaji. ok, aku dah melalut!

may Allah always with u..

back to the topic. yang miskin lak kesian tau. lagi-lagi yang duk kat bandar. urban poverty la ni. seksa weh nak hidup kat bandar kalau gaji setakat 2000++. kat kolumpo ni gaji dalam RM3000 tu tergolong dalam miskin tegar tau! dengan kos hidup yang tinggi lagi, umah sewa, sekolah anak, etc. tayah g jauh, aku sebagai student yg takde tanggungan pon senak perut pikir sal duit. ok, melalut lagi. yang aku hairan ni, camne yang kaya boleh tidur dengan lena, makan dengan nikmat sedangkan ada yang tak bole tidur sebab lapar, terpaksa ikat perut sebab takde duit??
kesian kannnn T__T

"aku kaya sebab aku rajin kerja, kau malas belajar dulu-dulu sebab tu dapat keje cikai"
"aku keje bukan untuk tanggung makan kau"
"aku keje kuat, takde sebab aku nak bagi kau duit"
"tunggu aku dah tak habis makan and pakai baru aku bagi kau"

current situation

jangan riak der, aku panggggg kang. tolak kau jatuh KB mall kang. kalau semua orang jalankan rukun Islam yang ke-3, pengagihan zakat pon telus insyaAllah takde kot masalah camni. atau sebab sistem ekonomi?? errr, idk. lets move on untuk rapatkan jurang ekonomi..PEACE!

Ya Rabb, bantulah mereka, bantulah kami..

Friday, December 23, 2011

perut aku

ni bukan perut aku, perut pakcik Google

dear perut,
sori sebab paksa kau kerja over time malam ni,
please jangan naik cam apam,
aku terpakasa sebab aku lapar gila,
esok dah tak dah,
so please digest it wisely...sosej, kentang, ayam...semua tu memerlukan pemarhatian yang sangat teliti
segala kerjasama anda sangat dihargai

malam ni aku luar dari kebiasaan. lapar sangat yang amat. dan sosej, kentang, ayam jadi mangsa aku. semua tu tengah berlaga-laga dalam perut aku sekarang. asma, kau ingat kau cantik ke? kau makin gemuk ok! tayar dah tambah lagi satu. kau nak spare tayar kau berapa banyak? kalo orang cakap kau gemuk, kau menggelabah! tapi makan tak ingat dunia. dah, malam ni last. no more late night eating after this. nanti kalau gemuk takde orang nak buat bini..haishhh, aku nak kawen tau!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

pesanan terakhir

auwww...terharu bila bukak blog berduyun-duyun yang menyumbang ayat kat chatbox aku...even dah lama tak update sebab busy ngan esaimen and presentation, tapi malam ni aku kuatkan hujung jari untuk menyampaikan ucapan TERIMA KASIH kepada pengunjung blog ni...will be update soon, after final exam insyaAllah. btw, please pray for my success =)

*tajuk entri tu sebenarnya "pesanan terakhir untuk sem ni"..hehe

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

bahang akhir sem

haishhhhh.... <----------- MENGELUH. 
sebab?? akhir sem =_='
akhir sem, duit pun nak berakhir jugakkkkk...adoyaiiii
masalah yang dihadapi

  1. sandal putus mehhhhhhh, takkan hari-hari pegi kelas pakai kasut belang-belang marah kelabu. baju biru pon kasut merah. jenayah pemakain ni! @_@
  2. semua benda nak habis..sabun, sabun mandi, sabun tak mandi
  3. pinjam kete membe, g langgar pagar org kampung... duit nak betulkan kete balik @_@
  4. nak sangat pegi kem kat Pulau Pangkor even kena bayar RM50..sebab kat Pulau Pangkor!!!
  5. lappy cam nak buat hal jugak..hang je keje. aku hempuk kang!
  6. henset pon same.."eh, Yari (sony erricsson) nak baby(blackberry) eh?"
  7. assignment, presentation, quiz...sume beratur tunggu untuk dilaksanakan. kalau beratur je takpe, ni mendesak (gile scary kalo camni)
  8. final exam ada tunggu kat bawah blok..tunggu masa je nak sampai (around the corner)
  9. setan pulak sedang menggila hasut aku suh tido..siap gayut kat mata. dahla mata kecik, makin kecik la setan!
  10. yang ni memang tak dapat dibendung...AKU NAK BALIK! dah lama berzaman aku dop kelik wehhhhh T_T

di saat ni, jauh dari family tersayang kawan-kawan lah tempat aku bergantung, tempat aku meminta tolong. alhamdulillah aku ada kawan yang memahami dan banyak menolong..susah senang bersama. at the moment i fell, there come my friend to help. guide me to the path back. korang, if i can pull the rainbow i would like to write your name on it and put it back to the sky so that world knows i have such a colorful friendship with you... 

mimpi apakah??

last night, sebelum ketiduran aku duk menyentalk orang. then aku rasa nak stalk one of my fb friend (haha..aku stalker!), randomly added, i never know her before. tapi malam tadi tangan aku gatal nak bukak fb dia. jengggggggg! aku terpaku, lidah terkelu (hiperbola). dia sangat hebat. bagi aku la kannnnn. she is 20 years old, bakal doctor i think, banyak join event yang superb! sebelum mata tertutup aku pun duk compare diri aku ngan dia. mak aihhh, jauh beza nyah! barulah aku rasa yang aku ni agak tak berguna...AKU NAK JADI CAM DIA< TAPI AKU TAK TAU CAMNE!!!

mata aku pun tertutup slow-slow...

*mimpi aku*
mimpi dalam mimpi ok. dalam tu aku mimpi aku duk flat (flat mane ntah). firstly duk ramai-ramai (bukan kawan, bukan family). then, sebab aku rasa aku bermasalah aku keluar dari rumah tu then moved to the other house, selang beberapa buah dari rumah yang asal...aku stay ngan kawan-kawan aku gak. tak tau dari mana kawan tu. tapi agak bermasalah. ada yang mabuk kalau tak silap. then, one night aku tidur kat one of the bilik dalam rumah tu (bilik tu cantik) tapi lama-lama lat dinding bilik tu berdarah-darah (aku cuak gila). then aku terjaga. terjaga tapi still dalam mimpi. aku memang rasa aku kat bilik mahalah aku...langit kat luar kaler lain macam, seriously scary. then sebab takut aku nak play ayat Quran kat lappy, tapi tak bole nak klik ayat quran tu..maka aku terus ketakutan. then aku terjaga dari tido yang betul-betul...

aku story kat roomate aku, dia cakap dia pernah terbaca yang mimpi dalam mimpi ada maksud yang tak baik...for your information, mimpi ni menghantui aku.

*sape yang arif dalam ilmu mentafsir mimpi, tlg bg pendapat...pendapat anda amat diperlukan. tq.

Monday, December 5, 2011

how to protect from evil eye

assalamualaikum...yeeehaaaa! as i promised, now i wanna share this with you guys..cekidaut!!

 the best way to protect one from evil eye is to come closer to Allah and always remembering Him (dhikr) and reciting the Qur’an. The Prophet sallallahu alaihe wassallam used to seek refuge with Allah for himself by reciting the Mi’wadhatayn (the last two Surahs of the Qur’an, al-Falaq and al-Naas), Soorat al-Faatihah and Aayat al-Kursiy [al-Baqarah 2:255].  

The Prophet sallallahu alaihe wassallam used to seek refuge from evil eye by reciting these dua’s : 
“A’oodhu bi kalimaat Allaah al-taammaati min sharri maa khalaq (I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allaah from the evil of that which He has created).” (Narrated by Muslim  4881) 

A’oodhu bi kalimaat Allaah al-taammah min kulli shaytaanin wa haammah wa min kulli ‘aynin laammah (I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allaah, from every devil and every poisonous reptile, and from every bad eye).’”(Narrated by al-Bukhaari 3120). 

It was narrated from Abu Sa’eed that Jibreel came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: “O Muhammad, are you ill?” He said, “Yes.” He said, “Bismillaahi arqeeka min kulli shay’in yu’dheeka, min sharri kulli nafsin aw ‘aynin haasid Allaahu yashfeek, bismillaahi arqeek (In the name of Allaah I perform ruqyah for you, from everything that is harming you, from the evil of every soul or envious eye may Allaah heal you, in the name of Allaah I perform ruqyah for you).” (Narrated by Muslim, 4056) 

Another way of protecting oneself from the evil eye is persisting in reciting the adhkaar (dhikr) for morning and evening, and the adhkaar for going to sleep, and others, this will have a great effect in protecting oneself from the evil eye.  So strive to recite these adhkaar. 

It was narrated that ‘Aa’ishah radiallahu anha said: “The one who had put the evil eye on another would be ordered to do wudu, then the one who had been struck by the evil eye would wash with it (that water).” (Sunan Al-Bayhaqi, 9/252)

The one who is asked to wash is obliged to do so. Many people feel embarrassed to ask one who they think has put the evil eye on them to wash for them. But this embarrassment is inappropriate. The evil eye may come even from one who is righteous. Hence some of the scholars stated that it is obligatory for the one who has put the evil eye on another to do wudu, because the Prophet sallallahu alaihe wassallam said, “If you are asked to wash, then do so.” 

He sallallahu alaihe wassallam commanded such a person to wash, and the command implies that it is obligatory.
The above du’ aas and adkaar prevent the effects of the eye from taking hold and repel them, depending on the strength of faith of the one who says them, and the strength of his soul, his potential, and the strength of his trust in Allah and the steadfastness of his heart. For they are a weapon, and a weapon is only as good as the one who wields it.

Remember if you likes something you must hasten to pray for blessing for the thing that you like by saying “Baarik Allahu fih (May Allah bless it)” or “Allahumma baarik ‘ alayhi (O Allah, bless it) or Masha Allah (That which Allah wills {will come to pass}).

*jgn baca je, spread the love bebeh^^

Thursday, December 1, 2011

evil eye..OMG!!!

auwwww...seram nyah!!
Assalamu Alaikum..hari ni aku dapat e-mail dari someone. dia e-mel aku sal evil eye. aku pon tak tau apa. so, hope korang boleh bagi pandangan ye^^

The evil eye refers to when one person harms another by means of the eye.

It was narrated that Jabir (RA) said: The Messenger of Allah (Peace and Blessing upon Him) said:

"The evil eye will put a man into his grave and a camel into the cooking pot." [Hilyat Al-Awliya' by Abu Na'im. Shaykh Al-Albani (may Allah have mercy on him) said: It is a Hasan Hadith - Al-Silsilah Al-Sahihah, 1250.]
Evil eye can follow a man until it makes him fall from a high mountain, and if it is able to overpower a healthy man it can kill him and put him in his grave, and if it overpowers a camel, it will fall and be injured, and its owner will slaughter it and cook it in a pot. So the evil eye is real and its effects are real. It may kill, or it may affect the spot or the things that the envier likes in the body of the person affected, or in himself or his possessions. This is the view of the scholars, such as Malik, Al-Shafi'i, Ahmad and others.

As for the symptoms of being affected by the evil eye, Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez al-Sadhaan (may Allaah preserve him) said: 
If it is not a real sickness, then the symptoms may take the following forms:  

Headaches that move from one part of the head to another; yellow pallor in the face; sweating and urinating a great deal; weak appetite; tingling, heat or cold in the limbs; palpitations in the heart; pain in the lower back and shoulders; sadness and anxiety; sleeplessness at night; strong reactions due to abnormal fears; a lot of burping, yawning and sighing; withdrawal and love of solitude; apathy and laziness; a tendency to sleep; health problems with no known medical cause. 

These signs or some of them may be present according to the strength of the evil eye or the number of people who put the evil eye on others. 
The difference between the evil eye and envy.

The Hasid (envier) is an envious man whose envy is accompanied by resentment, so he wishes that the blessing be taken away, whereas the 'A'in (the one who puts the evil eye on another) simply likes a thing. Hence the evil eye may come from a righteous man or woman, and a man may put the evil eye on his own wealth, child or family without realizing it. But the evil eye and envy have the same effect, which is causing harm to the thing that is liked or envied.

*good things good to share^^