Thursday, June 30, 2011


dear RK,
the reason why i behaved sangat annoying ialah sebab aku just beware of guys. pengalaman yg lepas buat aku sangat serik. aku takut ditipu, dipermainkan lagi. kalo kau bace entry aku yg penuh makian dan amukan ni kompem kau akan marah gle nak mati. tp kau kene paham. aku judge kau pon sje je. tp kau yg megeelabah lebih lebih. rilek dah r...sori ye, aku takut tak sempat mintak maaf ngan kau. before balik cuti 2 bulan ni aku nak sangat jmpe kau tau. tapi i have no power to wat kau datang sini. beside aku takde demand power, please power...datanglah~~~~~~~~~

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


herrrrr...berlagak! bukan aku saje je nak call kau lah!aku tersilap. phone aku bermasalah. tp tone kau sgt berlagak ye RK...ish. yari, kau memang memalukan aku. kalo nak salah org pon tlg la jangan dia. jatuh maruah aku sebagai seorang wanita. serious geram!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey RK, aku tak hingin call kau tau!pooooooorahhhhhhhhhh...walaweyh, sori la kalo aku kaco kaw nga bermesra-mesra ke ape yep..herrrrrrr! tp tak yah lah nk wt sore ketat ngan aku. (ada ke sore ketat?sblom ni aku penah dgr muke ketat je)...

my sayangs.. ^^

huhhhhh...rindu sangat anak sdare...cepat lah balik kanak-kanak..cik ain rindu. ni baru je pas webcam ngan dorang. tp tenet cinonet. tak nampak muke dorang. dorang je nampak siti hawa perhhhh byk mulut sangat. macam burung! sumpah rindu..nanti abdul halim dah besar, suh kiss pon dah malu-malu. siti hajar plak dah jd kakak kpd 2 org adik. dan gedik..hahaha. siti hawa byk cakap. ganti tempat kakak hajar dia time dulu-dulu, siti hafsah tembam kot. dah lame tak tengok. mesti makin comey...weeeee dah tak lame dah dorang nak balik \(^_^)/..ntah camne la dorang skang erk...

*cik ain nakal sebab selalu letak tepon...

ni abdul halim & siti hajar

ni siti hawa

siti hafsah

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

cerita basi

alhamdulillah aku still bernyawa pg ni. i still can breath in the fresh air of nusaibah..muahahaa^^. ok, nk coretkan sal kitorang main badminton. aku, intan and syud. semalam punyer cite tp tak larat nak post malam td. sakit tangan. tak lame ag tumbuh muscle kat tgn aku. gle r, dah la tak stretching, tak warm up..sampai sampai je terus main. mane tak sakit badan. adeyyhhhh...dah cam orang tua. then the best part jari aku dengan ini saya dengan rasminya ingin mengumumkan bahawa hari ini saya tidak akan mandi sehingga jari saya betul betul sembuh..

*nk tdo jp, then bgn study. habiskan 2 chapter ari ni!!!!
*ya Allah, bantulah asma aini mustapa menghadapi peperiksaan akhir. berikanlah kemudahan, kecemerlangan dan keberkatan kepada asma aini mustapa dan kawan-kawannya...amin.

Monday, June 27, 2011

dear phone T_T

dear phone,
please be good as i don't have other except you. i really need and love you. i'm sure like hell you already knew it. please don't bring me down. nanti kalo dah ada kat umah bole la kau nak buat meroyan ke, nak sawan ke, nak ape ke. but please not now. or else i will kick your a** from the fourth floor. kau jangan nak mengada sangat ye. kalo aku jual kau kau jangan nak merayu kt aku ke ape. skarang ni aku dah half mendidih melayan kau. tapi kau still tak paham. jangan main main ngan asma ye. aku jage kau bukan men elok lagi. letak dalam 'bilik' yang sangat sangat selesa. bile kau jatuh aku dah menggelabah cam nak mati. then ni balasan kau kat aku? gile tak mengenang budi erh kau! aku menatang kau cam minyak yang penuh tapi kau majok majok ngan aku. aku sabar selagi aku bole sabar. sebab kau aku dah salah call orang tw! benci kau!!!!!!


aku ada 2 mimpi malam tadi..mimpi yang buat aku terpikir "apakah itu?" tapi cam bese je kot.

1st mimpi:
aku meniti kat atas pokok tumbang yang disusun merentasi paya. banyak batang pokoknye. and i know paya tu banyak lintah. paya kat belakang umah aku je pon. gile! tak pernah aku cross paya tu, tup tup malam tadi aku cross..hahaha. then, ntah kat mane silap langkah aku jatuh ke dalam paya tu. bile balik umah aku tau ada lintah kat celah paha aku. OMG! aku geli gile nak mati. then aku jerit suruh abang aku cabutkan. aku tak tau camne rupa lintah tu tapi aku tau dia ada kat situ. firstly aku mintak tolong kerol tapi dia mintak kunci motor. dia cakap kalo takde kunci motor tak bole cabut. aku menjerit cam orang sawan. then abang aku yang 2nd tlg cabutkan. tu je nak cite..nak cakap kat sini, aku geli ngan lintah, ulat dan sedare-mare mereka!

2nd mimpi:
aku nga tunggu bas kat bus stop uia. aku lalu kat tempat tu banyak kali. kat bus stop tu ada sorang foreigner.lelaki. then dia cakap nak pinjam duit rm1 untuk tambang bas. aku serba salah je time tu. aku pon takde duit. then aku cakap kat dia aku pon takde duit. aku cakap aku tak bawak duit. speaking omputih r. then dia tibe tibe suruh aku g cucuk duit then bagi dia. amboi kau! tendang sampai negara kau kang! then sebab kesian aku pinjam ngan intan rm1 untuk bagi dia. intan terus bukak dia punye purse then amek sume syiling bagi kat budak tu. aku marah la. aku cakap jangan bagi banyak banyak. bagi rm1 je. tapi time tu intan cam kene pukau. tibe-tibe ramai je yang datang kat kitorang and tanya kenapa segala. si foreigner yang mintak duit tadi tu dah tersengih cam ape je. tibe tibe ngan muke sinis dia pandang aku then cakap melayu plak. dia tipu kitorang yang dia tu foreigner and tipu dia takde duit. terus aku cakap "wtf" dengan geram then berpusing nak bla. aku dengar maybe kwn dia cakap "dah lame kau buat keje camni. tak lame agi kene r"..sepanjang jalan aku menaburkan makian yang menyalahi fitrah wanita aku.hahaha

*bangun tido pon aku rase geram agi!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


ohoooo...nyaman sungguh angin malam. nak main badminton ngan intan tapi sampai je kat court lampu tak bukak. kene g mintak kat ofis. leceh la. nak riadah pon tak bole. letak jelah suis lampu kat dalam dewan tu..haishhhh! then kitorang tibai main kat lua dewan tapi tak best. tak sesuai ngan orang hebat cam kitorang. shuttle asek tersangkut kt siling je. then kitorang main kat atas jalan..angin makkkk! stress lah masalah problem nak beriadah kat sini. tak dapat sambutan langsung. jeng..jeng..jeng! kitorang nampak a couple masuk kawasan female sport complex. kitorang follow diorang tapi tak nampak pon dorang. suspen je. mane and ape dorang buat erh??aiyoookk...(pikir kotor)

after that we decided to jog..berlari satu round then g kat motor. OMG! aku cam nampak RK je. mungkinkah??? myvi itam tapi bukan plat dia. tapi serious cam dia. aku kenal gaya dia. oh, tidak. aku bukan meroyan ke ape erh. tunggu punye tunggu tak kua kua. huh, malas dah nak tunggu. lantak lah aref ke bukan aref. non of my business...actually i miss him damn much T_T

ok part ni paling best. setelah lame aku tak bawak motor bergear, tadi aku bawak. cam tak betul je. intan tukang jerit suruh tukar gear, aku menurut arahan. adoi..rase cam bangang je tak reti naik moto..hahaha. thanks intan, best! kalo bole aku nak pusing agi, tapi serba salah nak wat moto kau cam moto sendiri..huhuhu. next time ya'


oh, perasaan apekah ini? i woke up this morning with nothing in my mind..come on asma, final exam is just aroud the corner! study please..don't be lazy. your family expect something from you. go on with the direction of your dream. forget him, things will get better. tak gune think about him tapi dia happy je kan. jangan jadi bodoh. kumbang bukan sekor, banyak ag ada. nak yang bertanduk, nak yang kaler hijau, kaler coklat, sume ada. sabar je dulu. jangan nak gatal-gatal skang. nanti dah habis study kau pikir la sal ni. skang ni kau kawan je ngan sume orang. no need nak libatkan special feeling kat sape sape. when the time comes haa kau kawen je la..tapi bukan skang!

you are right! cakap senanglah kan. btw thanks..sooner or later nanti hilang lah. seems like aku kene makan semut banyak banyak so that aku cepat lupe dy. semut dah la banyak dalam bilik aku. bole save duit tak perlu makan kat cafe. jadikan semut makanan ruji aku kan.hahaha...ok, aku kuat. don't worry be happy.before tu aku nak cakap jujur aku selesa ngan dia. ni nak cakap je tau. jangan cakap aku gile talak ke ape. memang aku selesa ngan dia. aku jadi diri aku yang sebenar bile ngan die. tak perlu nak berlakon, tak perlu nak cover ayu kat depan dia. perangai yang gile, tak senonoh sume aku tunjuk. die cool je. die melayan je. plus die sangat matang. matang dalam berfikir, matang dalam tindakan. i adore him. sometimes aku rase cam aku ni adik dia. dia protective! sometimes gak dia buat aku rase cam special gile nak mati. oh, this part paling aku benci nak ungkit. feeling, please go away! really i miss that moment damn much...

ya Allah, don't leave me go astray. kalau dia bukan untuk aku Engkau berikan lah yang lebih baik dari dia...amin.

*kita hanya mampu meminta kan. tapi Allah tau ape yang terbaik utk kite. Allah tak janji hidup kite kat dunia ni akan mudah tapi Allah janji takkan biakan kite sorang sorang. so whatever happen to us turn back to Allah. serahkan segalanya kat Allah. jangan jadi manusia yang tak bersyukur. bile time susah baru nak dekatkan diri ngan Allah tapi bile dah senang lupa segala nikmat yang Allah bagi. bile dapat musibah sikit terus cakap "ape dosa aku Allah uji aku sampai camni?" tak. Allah uji sebab Dia sayang. Dia nak kita jadi kuat. nak dapat berlian yang cantik dan berharga tu bukan senang. perlukan tekanan yang sangat tinggi kan? tapi tengoklah hasilnya..cantik, berharga, kuat. ok, kita amek sikit cth dari kejadian berlian then apply kat dirir kita k..cheer up!

*u, jangan amek mudah sal solat k. before ni bile i tanya dah solat belum u selalu jawab lebih dan kurang. after tu i dah tak tanya dah. rase sangat berdosa tau. tapi nanti i dah takde ngan u ubahlah yang ni satu ye. jangan tinggal solat. kalo u jage solat insyaAllah u takkan terpesong dalam tindakan u. insyaAllah u akan sedar pergaulan bebas ngan perempuan hot u tu berdosa. sumenye bermula dari solat. takkan u nak berjaya kat dunia ke kan. akhirat pon nak jugak...u, i hope u akan jumpe perempuan yang solehah. tak perlu yang hot atas dunia, hot gak kat akhirat. last but not least jangan mainkan hati perempuan. one day bile u sayang seseorang tapi orang tu mainkan u baru u tau cmne u rase. ni bukan doa tau, tapi peringatan je..hurm, kalo ada jodoh kita akan jumpa lagi..adios.

ok asma, enough for today. pegi mandi..then bukak buku and study. love your future!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

a day with my girlfriend!

i've just finished chit chatting with my girlfriend, SARAH MUSAZAY. she turned to 21 yesterday. btw, happy belated birthday sarah, may Allah bless you always and hope our friendship will last forever. she from Afghanistan and lives in Saudi Arabia. before that she and her family live in US. wow, she is very beautiful. i adore her. she has a perfect eyebrow, beautiful black eyes, nice skin and beautiful black hair. its really black, and not just black! aku bukan lesbo tau, tapi memuji keindahan ciptaan tuhan je..we've talked about our different culture, economics here and there, about the people, about the future and many moooooore. then she asked me to paint on her hand like mine by using henna. she was so impressed with my work..bangga je aku cite. sambil taip idung kembang semangkuk je..haha. then she suggested me to run business on body painting,,what??nonsense..dah ar aku cilok design dari google je. lawak lah sarah ni. haha..ok, one day chatting with her totally changed pandangan aku kat foreigner, lantak r stereotype ke ape. what i'm trying to say is bukan sume foreigner berlagak. alhamdulillah kawan aku yang ni baik!

then she taught me how to colour my hair using henna. whoaaaa, nice dude! memang yakin seratus peratus memang sah buat solat. sume natural sources. takde unsur-unsur meragukan langsung ok. nanti balik aku nak buat..i will! thanks sarah! nanti kalo jadi aku akan bagi resepinya ye =)


alhamdulillah..i'm a strong girl. asma, keep it up! but half of me wants to contact him and another half say don't. sometimes i'm strong, sometimes i don't. but if you realize what actually happened will you come to me and say " i'm sorry i didn't realize. i love you too" will you say that?? never kan. now i'm crying my heart out. hoping you would hear me. but you just ignore my painful cry. each and everyday passed by. i fake a smile to the world. but underneath my smile there is my broken heart. all the good memories you gave me is all i have left you. but insyaAllah it will slowly fading away as time goes everyday. over and over i tried. over and over you lied and over and over i cried. but i don't know why...aku tak layak utk kau kan. i have nothing special. aku bukan perempuan hot yang bole kau banggakan, yang bole buat kau stay with me. aku orang kampung, kau orang bandar. kau kaya, aku miskin. tapi jangan ingat kau bole buat sesuka hati kau je. i'm not special, i'm limited edition. from now on kau bole la go on with your life. spend times with your girls, nak main tepuk tepuk peha putih gebu ke ape. suke hati kau ok. kan dah bole save duit kau. aku ni collection kau je. aku takde pon tak terjejas kehidupan kau.

yep, luaran nampak aku kuat, tapi dalaman Allah je tau. i wish i was a kid again. skinned knee easier to handle rather than broken heart. tapi takpe, Dia uji aku sebab Dia sayang aku. bak kate kak tira, Allah bagi aku jumpa macam-macam jenis lelaki sebab Dia ada simpan lelaki yang lebih baik untuk aku. siapakah dia?? wait and see..dear RK, i never regret it. you are just a chapter in my story of life. a lesson to make me stronger. i thank you because that broken heart made me who i am. i finally learnt what life is about. hanging on when my heart had enough and giving more when i wanna give up.

intan cakap aku tak bole salahkan kau gak. yes, aku memang tak bole salahkan kau sangat. kite bukan pasangan couple pon. plus kau tak tau feeling aku kat kau. plus cite tu yang last year punye. tapi i have my own reason to stay away from you. aku tak nak aku sayang kau lebih lebih. bukan kau je, tp mane mane lelaki pon for this time. nanti bile dah sampai mase aku akan buke hati aku selua-luasnya. kalo kau cari aku maknenye kau memang sayang aku, and you still need me. but if don't i will understand.

*dear Allah, give me strength, give me faith..amin 

Friday, June 24, 2011

kalau lah kau tau ape yang aku rase skang ni
kalau la kau tau pe yang aku rase bile wat kau camtu
kalau lah kau tau pe yg aku nak sebenarnya
kalau lah kau tau ape yd ada dalam hati aku
kalau lah kau bace blog aku

kalau kau tau mungkin ke kau wat aku camni? tapi papepon sume da jd. no turn back. sabar asma, jangan nangis. kau kuat. kau selalu nasihat orang lain supaya kuat. skang turn kau plak. face it!

bubye engkau~

buat lelaki 'budiman' thanks for the lie. first of all i would like to say i love the way you lie. i don't know how to express my gratitude. keep it up, boy. go on with your lie. remember, what goes around comes around. someday when you get what i got you will ingat balik ape yang kau dah buat kat aku. tapi time tu nyesal pon tak gune. i've already benam kau kat dalam lubang yang paling dalam, paling gelap dalam hati aku. no ladder to go up. if i have a bag, i will fill it with hatred and i will give it specially for you, dear. then we'll look how you deal with it.

everything revealed! bertemankan intan aku bace the story of your 'glory'..yes, kau memang hebat. btw, thanks to intan sebab temankan aku bace. takde la merana sangat aku bace all those shits sorang-sorang. then syazek called me. thanks to syazek too. yeah, my friends are my strength..and also my family. loooooove all of you damn much. ok, tomorrow after i return your phone you can get lost!

its tough but i'm trying to get used to it. hope you are doing fine too. it feels like this pain will last forever. it feels like this hurt will never go away. tapi aku cakap feel je kan. insyaAllah tak. i still have Allah, family and friends. it's funny how the people that hurt you the most are the one who swore that they never did. haish, penipu besa. penipu, dasar mulut buaya, mulut bau longkang. it is a lot easier to say 'i don't love you anymore' than have to explain the reason why i still do. now i believe once in a while, right in the middle of ordinary life, loves give me a fairy tale. dongeng semata-mata. but i hope it only for now. soon i will find someone for eternity, someone who will be my imam in solat, someone will guide me to ultimate happiness in life and hereafter..amin.

the greatest revenge is to accomplish what others say you cannot do. i cried because i felt like fool, not bacause of losing you ok. ok asma, finish every day and done with it. you have done what you could. some blunders and absurdities no doubt have crept in; forget him as soon as you can. tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. this day is all that is good and fair. it is too dear, with its hopes and invitations to waste a moment of yesterday. twenty years or two years or howlongittakes you will dissapointed by the things you didn't do then by the ones you did. so throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour, catch the sail winds in your sails. explore. dream. discover. start from now asma, or else you will regret.

ok, i will grow stronger from now on. Tuhan nak tunjuk jap je elvis presley ckp; truth is like the sun. you can shut it down but you never can wipe it out. fuhhhh, alhamdulillah aku tau skrg rather than tau later bile aku dah sayang kau tahap kritikal. thanks Allah..

'the climb' yang buat aku semangat to syazek!

I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"
Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going
And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on
'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa

Thursday, June 23, 2011

proud to be muslim

Allah tak pernah janji hidup kita akan mudah tapi Allah janji Dia akan selalu ada ngan kita..alhamdulillah..Allah takkan biakan kita terkotang-kanting sorang-sorang. everything happened for reasons. bukan gak Allah nak manyusahkan kita. tapi nothing else Dia nak uji kita, nak tengok sejauh mane kite sabar, Dia nak kite tau yang kite ada Dia untuk bergantung harap. bile kita diuji bukan bermakne Dia tak sayang kite, tapi sebab Dia sayang kita Dia uji kite. Dia taknak kita leka dengan kesenangan sebab tu Dia berikan sedikit ujian. tapi lemahnya kite tiap kali dapat ujian kite akan mengeluh, kite akan nangis, kita akan cakap Allah tak sayang kite. if kite pikir camtu, cepat-cepat lah istighfar. jangan berpanjangan. try to think positively.

as muslim kite patut bersyukur sebab dilahirkan sebagai seorang muslim. all we have to do is pertahankan agama kita. cube bayangkan orang yang dilahirkan sebagai bukan islam. they have to find themselves. tapi kite yang Islam ni buat lebih kurang je ngan ape yang kite dah ada. tak mustahil Allah akan tarik balik ape yang Dia dah bagi tu. there's a need for clouds, the wind, the moon, the sun and the solar system. so that you will find a piece of bread and eat it thoughtfully! everything have been put in order and obeys the command for your sake-it won't be just, it you do not obey.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

luahan perasaan

ape plak kali ni wahai RK? dah terang lagi bersuluh kau memang ramai perempuan. ucop pon cakap camtu. tapi aku tak paham nape everytime aku tanya sal tu kau marah cam nak mati. ngaku jelah..buat ape kau nak sorok lagi? kalo betol kau anggap aku kawan kau, kau takkan tipu aku. nak cakap kau suke aku kompem tak r! dah tu aku ni sape bg kau, hah?? sumpah aku geram. kau bagi aku pinjam enset kau skali ngan sim, then kau tak delete message pompuan kat dalam tu. ape motif kau?? nak buat aku sakit hati, nak aku tau kau hot or what?? aku tak paham mainan ape yang kau main skang ni. kau still cari ex kau. ingat aku tak tau?? time aku dah tenang kau bagi aku harapan palsu lagi.

i'm not supposed to love you
i'm not supposed to care
i'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there
i'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do
but i can't help myself
if i could freeze time 
i'd freeze that moment
when we were together
there was so much i wanted to say
but one thing i wasn't able to tell you
was how much i wanted you to stay
i never let you know 
its so hard out here without you
but i'm not allowed to let it show
i must pretend all is fine 
everyone thinks all is okay
but what i never ever tell them 
is that i cry for you everynight

hope ni last time aku meluahkan perasaan tentang cinta kat blog ni. this will be the last. aku dah tak nak terlampau pikir sal ni..Ya Allah, kuatkanlah hatiku..amin


i've told to put others before myself..always! and i did, i'm doing and i will do that..insyaAllah. ok, when we say that it doesn't mean we have to let go everything for someone else. berpada-padalah. bukan everything, tp ikut keadaan. jangan terlampau pentingkan diri sendiri, jangan terlampau pikirkan kesenangan untuk diri sendiri je. selagi kite dah ada yang kite perlu, cukup la. tak payah nak berlebih-lebihan even kite deserves it. we have to sacrifice sikit. sikit je, tak banyak. if what you see by the eyes doesn't please you, then close your heart and see from the heart. because the heart can see beauty and love more than the eyes can ever wonder.

sometimes about feeling kan. kite nak sangat something tu sampai kan kite tak sedar kite memaksa orang lain, buat orang lain berada dalam keadaan serba salah. pe ni?? orang lain pon ade life sendiri, ada benda yang nak dibuat, ada benda yang nak pikir, ada tempat yang nak dituju..bole tak kite hormat tang tu? ni tak, bile cakap tak bole terus wat muke, cakap dah lain, cakap belakang. ye, aku tau kau nak happy, tapi cubelah sensitif sikit perasaan orang lain. cam takde common sense je. kalo ada yang wat kat kau camtu kau bising, kau maki-maki..tapi bile kau wat kat orang lain kau tak pikir lak. kau kan pandai, selalu cakap pasal good manners, kau keep complaining sal orang selfish, tapi kau sendiri yang selfish.

p/s: orang yang selfish, never take a person for granted. hold every person close to your heart cause you might wake up one day and realize that you've lost the diamond while you were too busy collecting stones. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

when you are feeling down

sume orang penah rase down sangat-sangat tahap nak mati, tahap gaban and sampai at one point rase cam nak bunuh diri. maybe yang kuat iman takde la rase teruk sangat kan. still bole control, bole for those yang rase cam thats the end of your life tu ingatlah kite sentiasa ada Allah. Dia tau apa yang Dia buat and tentukan untuk kite. kalo rase diri tu asyik dapat bala je try pikir sal orang lain yang jauh lagi susah dari korang. korang tak yah lah nak compare ngan orang yang nampak perfect dimata korang, kalo camtu memang korang takkan pernah puas, takkan pernah rase cukup ngan apa yang korang ada. life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we should dance.
orang yang kite nampak perfect. cam ada sume yang kite takde tu tak semestinya dorang tak pernah rase down..kalo tak pernah tu nampak beno menipu~ mesti ada gak kan. tapi yang kite nampak luaran je, dalaman sape tau kak ooi!
and sometimes kite rase cam takot nak try benda baru, tak confident nak jumpa orang, takot nak wat presentation, takot orang cakap itu dan ini..its NORMAL. all we have to do is take chances, a lot of them because honestly no matter where you end up and with whom, it always end up with the way it should be. your mistake makes you who you are. you learn and grow with each choice you made. everything is worth it. so, say how you feel. be yourself and be ok with it. and don't worry what's anyone else think. kalo asyik pikir sal pe yang orang lain cakap memang takkan ke mane. orang takkan berhenti bercakap selagi kite hidup. don't let orang lain bring you down.
bila kau memandang semua dari Tuhanmu..yang menciptakan segalanya, yang menimpakan ujian, yang memjadikan sakit hatimu, yang yang membuatkan keinginanmu terhalang serta menyusahkan hidupmu. apapun takdir-Nya, janganlah bersedih. pasti akan damai hatimu kerana Allah takkan sengaja mentakdirkan sesuatu yang sia-sia. bukankah Allah tau derita hidupmu? retaknya hatimu? tapi mungkin itu lah yang Dia mahukan kerana Dia tau hati yang sebeginilah selalunya lebih lunak, mudah akrab dan dekat denganNya. bersabarlah sahabatku, kemanisan akan tiba.

"when the world says 'give up', hope whisper 'try it one more time'.."

you've been BARRARIZED!!!

ok, ni semalam punya ceghiter. me, kitma, ejum and syazek pegi sunway piramid. then kitorang kene pegi shah alam sebab nak anta ejum naik bas ka sana. kitorang terpaksa menahan lapa selama beberapa jam sebab merempuhi perjalanan yang jauh dari sunway ke shah alam. then bile dah sampai kitorang order makanan yang sangat banyak sebab lapar tahap gaban. before kitorang dapat makanan cam banyak halangan je sebelum makanan masuk ke perut. kitma order nasi goreng ayam merah dapat nasi goreng ayam barra, order air laici tapi dapat air barli. kitma hangin je. muke dah bengang. tapi tahan. suh waiter tu tukar lain! walaupun terpaksa menunggu dan menahan liur tengok kitorang sume melahap makanan dengan jayanya..

then bile masing masing diam menikmati makanan masing-masing ada waiter datang and bagi kitorang paper yang dah laminate yang tertulis 'you've been barrarized'. dengan muke yang terpinga-pinga aku tanya dia. 'kenapa ni?' dia cakap pe ntah aku tak paham (gune bahasa dia). yang aku paham kitorang tak yah bayar je. ok, then kitorang melantak sambil mengeluarkan ayat-ayat yang kurang enak dan berbaur tamak.haha.

ejum: menyesal aku tak order air laici.
       : kalo suruh dia tinggal je nasi goreng ayam barra tadi takpe
       : tak rugi kau order ayam barra, asma.
kitma: tak payah bayar, ape lg?? (sambil amik ayam barra)
syazek: besar gile laici dia, macam fresh gile!
aku: rugi tak order roti tisu awal awal.

our conversation as above. tapi aku lupe turutan. time nak balik tu baru tau bos restoran tu duk betol-betol sebelah meja kitorang. OMG, sangat malu. neway alhamdulillah, makan free...bos restoran barra, terima kasih daun keladi. semoga sentiasa murah rezeki, diberkati dan diredhai selalu..

Sunday, June 19, 2011


behind this veil no one know there is bleeding heart..except Him. yes, i've hurt for times. also for the same thing; LOVE THING! euwwww...geli kan??yep, i know tapi suke hati la kan. those yang geli tu muntah la skang..lalala~ok. kite sambung feeling feeling. from now on every time i see you smile i know it is not for me. that is when i will miss you the most. tapi memang i have to struggle, work hard to let you go. there are things we don't want to happen but have to accept. things we don't want to know but have to learn. and people we can't leave without but have to let's amazing how you can break my heart kan?benci la kau..!i have to tanam dalam diri aku yang never let someone be my priority while allowing myself to be an option! hey, this is the last tears i will cry with your name on. no more tears after this ok. fullstop! 

i'm a big girl in a small world but i have a courage of ten tigers because i want to. so, i believe what i want to believe. i'll do whatever i want no matter what it takes. i honestly think it is better to be failure at something you love than to be success at something you hate. plans are good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work. like so many brilliant people, he believes that idea move mountain. but bulldozers move mountain. ideas shows where the bulldozers should go to work. this planner will have to learn that work does not stop when the plan is completed. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

would someone tell me how to wake up with determination and go to sleep with satisfaction?? will somebody please..i can just keep saying that to my friends in order to help them, to motivate themselve but still i can't apply to myself. sometimes i wish i have no feeling so that i will not feel the pain, the hurt, the a muslim i know it was very sinful. ya Allah, please do give me strength. at the moment when i feel like falling down to a dark place please guide me, give me light. don't let me go astray.

boy, once i wished i never know you. the pain you gave sometimes made me mempersoalkan takdir aku. how sinful i am..just when you think things can't get any worse, i've learn that life is like an hourglass. sooner or later everything hits the rock bottom. all you have to do is be patient and wait for someone to turn everything back around. i'm selfish, impatience and a little insecure. i make mistakes, i'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. but if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. boy, i could fill a thousands pages telling you how i felt but still you would not understand. so now i will leave without a sound except my heart shattering as it hits the ground..bubye love~no more you T_T

mampu ke??

setelah baca love story kak sarah, aku terharu sangat. ya Allah, tabahkanlah aku cam kak sarah. kuatkanlah hatiku. temukanlah aku dengan imamku dalam keadaan yang diredhai oleh-Mu. tutupkan lah hati aku terhadap dia..amin 

one day program at Indonesia's embassy



                                                    KEDUTAAN BESAR REPUBLIK INDONESIA,

ok, as stated above dari kul 9 pagi lagi aku dah bertapak kat kedutaan Indonesia di KL. sikit frust sebab Tun Mahathir tak bole datang. kalo tak memang hari ni akan jadi best gile nak mati. ni yang aku sempat took note kt banner program tu "dengan semangat proklamasi 17 Augustus 1945 kita tingkatkan kesedaran hidup dalam ke-Bhineka-an untuk ketokohan persatuan NKRI, kita sukseskan kepemimpinan Indonesia dalam forum ASEAN untuk ketokohan solideritas ASEAN". speaker tu cakap, aku lupe name beliau. dia cakap kalo kite nak tau tahap keikhlasan seseorang kite tak bole tengok niat dia sebab kita takkan tau niat seseorang as kita tak bole nampak niat. so, kite kene tgk perilaku seseorang. paham? mahasiswa merupakan agen perubahan dengan aspirasi nasional. jangan duk sibuk cari salah orang je. kalo asyik cari salah orang kite takkan nampak kelebihan orang lain plus kesalahan takkan habis sampai kite mati. 

ok, kite selalu cakap media yang mainkan peranan dalam memupuk kesepaduan kaum. kalo media sebar info yang bole pecah-belahkan masyarakat perpaduan akan hancur. tu yang kite pegang selama ni kan? ok, from now on, kite kene la pandai filter info yang desebarkan media dengan cara yang cerdik. jangan terima bulat-bulat info yang negatif. sume ada akal untuk fikir baik buruk sesuatu kan.

kata-kata from Tun Mahathir:
-if Indonesian had not been colonized by the Deutch and Malaysian by British, Indonesia and Malaysian might have not existed.

kata-kata from Dr. Nuh:
we can choose friend but we can't choose neighbor.


betol la ape yang aku cakap..proven! i am the least person yang u akan cite if ada something, i am the last person yang akan tau if something happened to u. but i am the most person yang wat u sakit hati. no matter what i've done memang sume tu je dalam pale u. enough la RK. i pon tak caye kat u. u ingat i caye the reasons merepek yang u bagi i everytime i curious about u? ingat i caye bile u cakap u pegi tengok wayang sorang sorang? ingat i caye bile u cakap u borak ngan ibu u sampai 2.30 pagi? u ingat i caye bile u cakap u tido 2 hari? u ingat i caye sume tu??nope! i never trust u. and will never trust you. hey, tiap kali aku nak let go of u kau datang balik kan. ape ni..? ni ke makne sayang bg kau? cam chipmore..jap ade, jap takde. time kau nak datang kau datang, time kau tak nak kau wat bodo.

memang various ways to describe what sayang is. some says sayang tu ikut je ape orang yang kite sayang tu cakap;yang ni cam lembu kene cucuk idung. some says bagi je ape orang yang kite sayang tu nak;yang ni lak cam gf/bf materialistik nak mati. some says; sayang tu cam makan sambal belacan, even sakit camne pun still nak gak;yang ni ibarat cam tak-serik-serik. some says bile kite sayang seseorang kite kene lepaskan, once dia balik kat kite dia memang hak kita tapi bile tak balik langsung maybe dah mati or we have to ready to say good bye and belajar untuk melupakan. banyak sangatlah opinion about 'sayang' ni..a relevant analogy is the classic story of the blindfolded men and the elephant, in which declares the elephant to be like the part he is feeling: the first man, touching the side, declares that the elephant is like a wall: the second touches the trunk and says the elephant is like a snake; the third feels one of the elephant's tusk and believes elephat is like a spear; the fourth grab the leg and says elephant is like a tree; and the fifth touches the elephant's tail and conclude that the elephant is like a rope. see, actually benda yang same tapi vary according to the person stand. 

then RK, what is the meaning of sayang for u?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

can someone please give me the reason why must i fall in love again? for this time i don't want this kind of feeling be a part of me..FOR THIS TIME only! i don't want to feel the pain of love no matter if i have to let go the sweet of love. they said "when you ready to be in love you have to ready to get hurt". i can't bear that feeling. i admit. love, please don't approach me. also boy, please don't give me hope. don't get into my life if you tend to leave me. better to get hurt alone rather than hurt with someone. i know what kind of guy are you. but still i can't make myself to let go of you. tapi i will, insyaAllah. kau jangan nak buat baik ngan aku sangat lah. nanti kang tak pasal pasal aku benci kau gile nak mati cam aku benci lelaki itu. kau dah la lg mude dari aku. tapi mak aihhh...behave cam kau bapak aku ye. nak aku ikut cakap kau je. hey, bole jalan la kau gemok! eyh, you are guys who like to enjoy with girls. jangan cakap aku suke tuduh ke ape, tapi i can feel that ok. instinct! so what?! wanna play with me, huh? get your a** to jail.

hey, aku nak sangat text kau, nak sangat call kau tapi aku tahan. everytime aku nampak kau online kt ym aku akan epi. aku tunggu je kau tegur aku tapi tak pon. kau berlagak. ok, aku pon takkan tegur kau gak lah. don't worry. aku sangat tak paham ngan kau. kau wat aku rase cam only girl in this world bile kau layan aku. ngan sume girls ke kau memang cam ni? memang playboy gile la erk. dah mahir selok belok perempuan. dah mahir nak manipulate perempuan. if that so,well done arieff! if salah i'm sorry. tiap kali aku tanya kau marah aku kan...wadefuffffff! kalo aku gayot ngan member pompuan bukan main bising mulut kau kan. membebel mengalahkan mak aku. tapi kalo kau duk text ngan girl lain ingat aku tak bengang??kepale otak kau berjambul la der~aku tahannnnn je. tapi dalam hati aku rase cam nak masukkan kaki aku dalam mulut kau. geram tau tak. kau ingat kau je berjiwa halus? jiwa aku lagi halus tau. halus dan berselirat..budak, don't do others if you don't want others do unto you k =)

=) heart (= last he came! tu lah, jgn cari pasal lame-lame len kali. kn dah kene pow..roti tisu and megi goreng. makanan free memang best even benda yang murah je..hahaha. wahai ikan, thanks for the memories. halalkan segala makan dan minum free tu ye. lain kali nak lagi. tak perasan ke aku saje je cari pasal sebab nak suh kau datang..hadoiiii, memang tak paham or wat wat tak paham bang?? hey, if i can freeze the time i will freeze the moment we've spent together. coz you feel like paradise, and i need a vacation tonight!!! mok, i have another reason to make you come here..your ball still with me..tricky kan? that's what we called life. cheat to survive. kau yang ajar aku erh! kau gak yang ajar aku campak sampah dari tingkap kete. sume kau!!(random sangat)..!ok, kau cakap ni first time aku tak cari gado ngan kau time kua kan? eh, lupe ke pe. kan aku dah cari gado sebelum kua. sebab tu aku dah tak cari gado. nanti kau boring ngan aku la bai..sikit-sikit dah la. aku tak nak jadi golongan yang melampaui batas..wawawa.

another thing is aku rase cam nak maki org laju-laju. makhluk mane nta tanya sir ape yang kene letak kt dalam slide. memasal je kene dah wat banyak kn. sir dah cakap wat sal islamic review, then kau tanya lagi kan. memang nak kene r. tak pasal-pasal je aku kene stay all night nak siapkan benda alah tu. kau ingat aku takde keje erh?? naseb baik kitorang tak wat drama bangang wat wat tak tengok e-mel tau! kalo wat rase cam selamat tak? aku sangat ngantok. tapi tak bole tido. nanti aku akan terlajak sampai pagi. takpe dude, after class aku akan tido sampai minggu depan. jangan sape-sape kejut aku. nanti aku ngamok sekampung. 

Monday, June 13, 2011


kawanku, memang the most difficult phase in life is not when no one understand you; it is when you don't understand yourself. tak perlu kau nak rase humble yg gile-gile bile tengok kawan kau punyer kelebihan. sume orang ade value sendiri. kita tak nampak kelebihan kita, tapi orang lain did. memang fitrah manusia tak pernah bersyukur and selalu rase kurang ngan pe yang ada. kau kene go confidently in the direction of your dream! live your life as you imagined..kawan, remember you are born to live, don't live because you are born! don't go the life takes you, take life the way you strong. i'm here to support you as far as i can. think positive! you have to wake up every morning with determination if you want to go to bed with satisfaction. try to imagine for a moment your own version of your perfect future. see yourself in that future with everything you could wish for at this very moment fulfilled. now take the memory of that future and bring it here into present. let see how you will behave from this moment on. jangan rase pe yang kau beri tu tak setimpal ngan pe yang kau dapat..ingat, sikit-sikit lame-lame jd bukit tau. maybe kau dapt sikit time ni tapi kau akan dapat lebih dari ape yang beri in the future. jangan persoalkan setiap ketetapan Allah kat kite. jangan rase hidup ni tak adil. sume orang have their own reasons untuk rase sedih tapi depends kat diri sendiri camne nak handle. if you know the art of breathing you have the strength, courage and wisdom of ten tigers. kau kene bina kekuatan dari dlm diri kau. kau selalu cakap jangan expect too much kan. tp try imagine when you expect the lowest then you reach it. scary kan?? aim high, dream big. kalo orang lain bole buat, kau pon bole buat..

kawan, i will always be by your side whenever u need someone to talk to, whenever you need a shoulder to cry on, whenever you feel like everybody hate you. i will always there insyaAllah. we once swear to be friends forever when our first met because in friendship there is no goodbye. we've shared a lot of things.

*dedicated to all my friends..especially NUR KHIDMAH HUZAISHAM. jangan sedih sedih lagi ye..

aku ikan??

 i was cry for the time you were almost mine. i cry for the memories i've left behind. i cry for the pain, the lost, the old, the new, i cry for the time i thought i had you..the weirdest thing happened in this morning. i woke up with tears in my eyes and one rolling down my cheek. and i knew i must be dreaming of my dream i saw my ikan but it was too far as i can't reach with my hand. i really want to touch it but i can't. the only thing that i could do is see it from the distance. it hurt me too deep. time ni aku rase cam ialah seekor ikan yang dipancing oleh kau la plak..aku makan umpan kau then kau lepaskan aku balik ke laut. boy, it was hurting me! how can i continue living after aku sakit kene kail kau? one thing you should know..bile kau g memancing then ikan melekat kat kail kau kau tak bole lepaskan balik ke laut. ikan tu akan terseksa dengan bisanya mata kail kau. ikan tu akan mati or teruskan idop dalam keadaan have guts to do that??yes, you are! and i am that fish. terbalik. before ni kau ibarat ikan tu but kali ni akulah ikan tu weyh..trying to forget someone that we love is like trying to remember someone that we never really need guts and need times. nak sambung tido dah T_T

makian untuk sayang =)

hey lelaki, what do you want from me huh?? i've learn to live half alive, now you want me one more time..who the hell you think you are?? hello, i hate you. see..i've said before "someday you will cry for me like i've cried for you. someday you'll miss me like i missed you. someday you'll need me like i needed you. someday you'll love me but i won't love you" tol kan ape yang aku cakap dulu..thats what we call cursed ok! damn you. who do you think you are? running round leaving scars...collecting jars of heart, tearing love apart. remember one thing. you gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul. ok, this is another curse for you, boy! you know what, knowing you was my biggest mistake. alhamdulillah it was the past. no more you, gile! you are so pathetic right now. do you think there still a space for you??no la weyh!!! kau rase hebat sangat kan? prove it to me how hebat you are. skang baru terhegeh-hegeh nak cari aku. hey, pegi mati laju-laju la ye. lagi laju lagi bagus. where's your girlfriend? pandai kau erh, gado ngan awek cari aku. please, aku geli. terasa diri ensem ke bang? kalo time aku sayang kau dulu ley la aku cakap kau ensem even muke cam guni beras siam tapi kalo skang kau pakai garnier ke, nouvellis ke, nivea ke, pakai ubat gigi fresh and white ke memang tetap aku akan cakap muke cam GUNI BERAS SIAM!!! seratus kali kau tanya, seratus kali aku jawab camtu. ade paham?? eleh, kalo time aku sayang dulu taik gigi kau pun aku cakap coklat, tapi skang takde der..kau wat gigi emas pon aku cakap kau jongang!! benci tahap gaban kat kau tau! antara lelaki yang aku jumpe kau adalah orang yang aku paling benci. ibaratnya kalo aku nampak kau and anjing aku akan baling kasut kat kau dulu. then aku takkan amek dah kasut tu. aku sanggup balik kaki ayam sebab geli kasut tu dah kene kau. paham?? or perumpamaan tu not enough for you?

kau jangan tanya nape aku wat kau gini, tapi kau tanya diri kau sendiri nape kau behave cam haremmmm!again, i don't need you in my life. you lost the love i loved the most ok. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

selamat tinggal my fish T_T

i have a fish..just a normal fish but very precious for me as i jage dia sangat baik. i first met the fish at the end of march 2011 that was before my final exam. i know that my fish pernah sakit before this. i took it and placed in a glass jar and put it somewhere. started from that day aku makin rapat ngan my fish. that fish always make me happy, always wat aku gelak. then i realised i love to spend time with my fish and every second we've spent together was the precious moment for me. then aku dah start put the fish at the special place. place where i can see it every night before i fell asleep, where i can see it once i wake up and open my eyes. place where aku bole cari and talk to when i feel incomplete. senang cakap dia cam my everything. aku bagi dia makan yang cukup, balang selalu dicuci, sume yang dia perlu aku dah sediakan. aku nak tengok dia every minute, 24-7. is that enough to tell the world that i really love my fish?? day by day, week to week, month changes. now already almost 4 months i 'bela' the fish. but the fish cam dah lain.  maybe boring dengan life dia yang just dalam balang tu je kan. ikan tu selalu mengelak bile aku masukkan tangan ke dalam balang tu. tak cam before this ikan tu akan dekat ngan tangan aku tiap kali aku wat camtu. aku sedih, aku terasa. kenapa ye?? i realized, i know, i admit but i don't know what to do. i think i know tapi i don't have guts to do that. the only thing aku bole wat is lepaskan dia dan biarkan dia berenang bebas or have another owner. owner yang lg baik, tak wat dia boring, senang cakap orang yang bole bg everything it needed. something yang maybe aku tak bole bagi. ok, my fish, good bye dear. to let you go is the last thing i will do. kalo tu yang wat my fish hepi, aku tak kesah. kalo dia balik kat aku, dia memang yang aku. kalo tak maybe ikan yang lg baik, yang lebih hargai hati pompuan aku datang kat aku. i know hati dia dah terpaut kat orang yang take a good care of 'it' time dia sakit dulu. my fish, i wish i was that girl. i wish i know you long ago, at the time u sakit uh. so that i can be in your eyes and in your heart. but its too late. there's no place for me right.  for my fish, take a good care of yourself because i care..the moment aku lepaskan my fish dia terus bla, langsung tak pusing kat aku. tapi aku nyesal sebab aku tak pernah cakap kat ikan tu aku sayang dia. kalo aku cakap mungkin ke jadi camni? will the fish stay at the moment i let it go?? uhhh, sedihhhh...bye bye 'ikan'...

p/s to ikan yang lain:don't swim into my life if u tend to leave me T_T

Premenstrual syndrome info_for my girlfriends!!

before period macam-macam kita rase kan? ngidam benda manis, nafsu makan macam orang kebulur, rase nak marah and maki orang, touching tak bertempat, sakit kat tempat yang tertentu dan banyak lagi..lain orang lain symptom la bai~ok, meh kite kelih-kelih siket sal PMS k, korang kan wanita. so, wajib tau! lelaki pun kene tau gak so that nanti bia paham sikit kalo pompuan nampak cam tak betol uhhh... ^^

dengan bantuan pak cik google saya telah mendapat sedikit info untuk di'copy' and di'paste'kan disini..

Premenstrual syndrome

Last reviewed: June 16, 2010.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to a wide range of physical or emotional symptoms that typically occur about 5 to 11 days before a woman starts her monthly menstrual cycle. The symptoms usually stop when menstruation begins, or shortly thereafter.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

The exact cause of PMS has not been identified. Changes in brain hormone levels may play a role, but this has not been proven. Women with premenstrual syndrome may also respond differently to these hormones.
PMS may be related to social, cultural, biological, and psychological factors.
The condition is estimated to affect up to 75% of women during their childbearing years.
It occurs more often in women:
  • Between their late 20s and early 40s
  • Who have at least one child
  • With a personal or family history of major depression
  • With a history of postpartum depression or an affective mood disorder
The symptoms typically get worse in a woman's late 30s and 40s as she approaches the transition to menopause.
As many as 50% - 60% of women with severe PMS have a psychiatric disorder (premenstrual dysphoric disorder).


PMS refers to a set of physical, behavioral, or emotional symptoms that tend to:
  • Start during the second half of the menstrual cycle (14 days or more after the first day of your last menstrual period)
  • Go away 4 - 7 days after a menstrual period ends (during the first half of the menstrual cycle)
It is important to keep a daily diary or log to record the type of symptoms you have, how severe they are, and how long they last. You should keep this "symptom diary" for at least 3 months. It will help your doctor make an accurate PMS diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment.
The most common physical symptoms include:
Other symptoms include:
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feelings of sadness or hopelessness (See also: Premenstrual dysphoric disorder)
  • Feelings of tension, anxiety, or edginess
  • Forgetfulness
  • Irritable, hostile, or aggressive behavior, with outbursts of anger toward self or others
  • Loss of sex drive (may be increased in some women)
  • Mood swings
  • Poor judgment
  • Poor self-image, feelings of guilt, or increased fears
  • Sleep problems (sleeping too much or too little)
  • Slow, sluggish, lethargic movement

Signs and tests

There are no physical examination findings or lab tests specific to the diagnosis of PMS. To rule out other potential causes of symptoms, it is important to have a:
  • Complete medical history
  • Physical examination (including pelvic exam)
  • Psychiatric evaluation (in some cases)
A symptom calendar can help women identify the most troublesome symptoms and confirm the diagnosis of PMS.


A healthy lifestyle is the first step to managing PMS. For many women with mild symptoms, lifestyle approaches are enough to control symptoms.
  • Drink plenty of fluids (water or juice, not soft drinks or other beverages with caffeine) to help reduce bloating, fluid retention, and other symptoms.
  • Eat frequent, small meals. Leave no more than 3 hours between snacks, and avoid overeating.
  • Your health care provider may recommend that you take nutritional supplements. Vitamin B6, calcium, and magnesium are commonly used. Tryptophan, which is found in dairy products, may also be helpful.
  • Your doctor may recommend that you eat a low-salt diet and avoid simple sugars, caffeine, and alcohol.
  • Get regular aerobic exercise throughout the month to help reduce the severity of PMS symptoms.
  • Try changing your nighttime sleep habits before taking drugs for insomnia. (See also: Sleeping difficulty)
Aspirinibuprofen, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be prescribed if you have significant pain, includingheadache, backache, menstrual cramping, and breast tenderness.
Birth control pills may decrease or increase PMS symptoms.
In severe cases, antidepressants may be helpful.
  • The first options are usually antidepressants known as selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy may be an alternative to antidepressants.
  • Light therapy may decrease the need for antidepressant medications.
Patients who have severe anxiety are sometimes given anti-anxiety drugs.
Diuretics may help women with severe fluid retention, which causes bloating, breast tenderness, and weight gain.
Bromocriptinedanazol, and tamoxifen are drugs that are occasionally used for relieving breast pain.

Expectations (prognosis)

Most women who are treated for PMS symptoms get significant relief.


PMS symptoms may become severe enough to prevent women from functioning normally.
Women with depression may have more severe symptoms during the second half of their cycle and may need to have their medication adjusted. The suicide rate in women with depression is much higher during the second half of the menstrual cycle.

Calling your health care provider

Call for an appointment with your health care provider if:
  • PMS does not go away with self-treatment
  • Your symptoms are so severe that they limit your ability to function


Some of the lifestyles changes often recommended for treating PMS may help prevent symptoms or keep them from getting worse.
Getting regular exercise and eating a balanced diet (with increased whole grains, vegetables, fruit, and decreased or no salt, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine) may prove beneficial.
Your body may have different sleep needs at different times during your menstrual cycle, so it is important to get enough rest.


  1. Lentz GM. Primary and secondary dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder: etiology, diagnosis, management. In: Katz VL, Lentz GM, Lobo RA, Gershenson DM. Comprehensive Gynecology. 5th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Elsevier; 2007: chap. 36.
  2. Yonkers KA, O'Brien PM. Premenstrual syndrome. Lancet. 2008:371(9619):1200-1210. [PubMed]

Review Date: 6/16/2010.
Reviewed by: Susan Storck, MD, FACOG, Chief, Eastside Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, Redmond, Washington; Clinical Teaching Faculty, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Washington School of Medicine. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.